NMS Baernbach
Hans Lackner
Ruesthausgasse 10
Baernabach, 8572
NMS Baernbach
Hans Lackner
Ruesthausgasse 10
Baernabach, 8572
World4You Internet Services GmbH World4You Internet Services GmbH
Johannes Kuehrer Gerald Auer
Hafenstrasse 47-51 Hafenstrasse 47-51
Linz Linz, on, 4020 4020
Austria Austria
Neumünster - BUNT - statt braun! .
Disciplined adherence to our investment philosophy while remaining adaptable to the specifics of each transaction has been an essential ingredient to our investment strategy. The principals of NMS have spent their entire private equity careers focused exclusively on investing in companies in the lower middle market. 2014 New MainStream Capital Designed by GlobalWebHQ.
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Both are NMS offices today.
Russia, 690091, Vladivostok,. Pogranichnaya Street, 15-v, Second Floor,. 7 423 2 404 915. 7 423 2 432 172. We, NMS Crewing Co. Established on the 04-th of July, 2003. Our office is located in Vladivostok City and connected with different areas. Needless to mention that our agency is treated to be convenient for crew changes in the Pacific area. Availability of General Consulates in our city looks also attractive.